Eyes Shut. Door Open.

Director Christopher Randolph keeps the tension ratcheted up to almost unbearable levels. The shocking ending will shake you, as if you haven’t already been shaken before.
— On Boston Stages
Director Christopher Randolph is able to piece together a wonderfully fluid story that captures the ever-raging question of what drives an artist to make art without letting the audience fall behind during the scenes of hellish whimsy.
— New England Theatre Geek

The International

Director Christopher Randolph has masterfully overcome the potential pitfall of monotony in a play that contains relatively little physical action. Working with Ruddy’s compelling script, he gradually creates a palpable sense of dread that increases until the three narratives converge, explode, and scatter like shrapnel.
— Pete Hempstead, Theatermania

Dorothy of Nowhere

Dorothy of Nowhere is the winner of last year’s Origin Theatre WB Yeats Emerging Playwright Award, co-sponsored by the Abbey Theatre in Dublin and The Consulate General of Ireland in New York. Set in a small fictional Irish town called Nowhere, the play tells the story of a teenage girl who sees her worldview shift radically as she discovers love, poetry and stark tragedy all at once.
— Broadway World
Written, acted, and directed by a talented cast from Ireland, the UK, and the States, the show combines the hallmarks of Irish culture with the narrative of modern Ireland: an homage to W.B. Yeats, and a compelling struggle to define oneself, whether through poetry, love, family, or friends.
— Austin Fimmano, Plays To See